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2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Final Round

Don Music

Don Music
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Final Round
  • From Sesame Street, we have Don Music, who was a struggling singer/songwriter who was usually seen interviewed by Kermit the Frog. More often than not, he would take some time to figure out the words to the song, and he would bang his head on his piano keys, exclaiming that he "would never get it." Sadly kids tried to emulate the most memorable part of Music's career, which was the headbanging, and the character was written off of the program.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Sesame Street (1974-91)
  • Actors: Richard Hunt
  • Songs you may remember: Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • Why you should vote:: He was one entertaining puppet!
  • Why you should not vote:: He was massively insecure