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2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Final Round

William Miller

William Miller
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Final Round
  • Loosely based on his own life, Cameron Crowe created William Miller, who, at age 15, went on the road with Stillwater. He would befriend the band, which was good on a personal level but bad for the article as he struggled to paint them in an accurate light. At the urging of his editor from Rolling Stone (whom he wrote the piece for), he wrote an honest and brilliant story, but the band would refute it even though it was accurate, thus killing it. That was temporary, of course, as they would allow it, and it landed them the magazine cover and launched Miller's career.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Almost Famous (2000)
  • Actor/Actress: Patrick Fugit
  • Position Portrayed: Music Writer
  • Why you should vote:: Almost Famous was a great rock and roll film, and this is a great reward to it and Cameron Crowe in general.
  • Why you should not vote:: We actually think you should.