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2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Final Round

Marty Di Bergi

Marty Di Bergi
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Contributors -- Final Round
  • How lucky are we that Marty Di Bergi (Rob Reiner) was a fan of Spinal Tap and decided to do a documentary on them at what looked to be the complete decline of their careers? The answer is that we are exceptionally fortunate!
    Di Bergi was a lifelong fan of Spinal Tap, and he was on hand to document their latest American tour, which was to support their most recent album, Smell the Glove. Di Bergi remained cautiously upbeat throughout the film and subtly sad over watching his rock gods falter, but he always presented a balanced perspective of Spinal Tap.
    Notably, Rob Reiner helped to co-write. This is Spinal Tap.
    If you want to help honor one of our inaugural inductees to the Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, this would be a great choice.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: This is Spinal Tap (1984)
  • Actor/Actress: Rob Reiner
  • Position Portrayed: Documentarian
  • Why you should vote:: His role in this film was more important than you might remember, and Reiner co-wrote the film.
  • Why you should not vote:: He is still the Meathead.