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Susie Diamond

Susie Diamond
With Michelle Pfeiffer at her sexiest and most talented, Susie Diamond was a knockout, was charismatic and with a unique past and sultry singing voice, was just the talent that the Fabulous Baker Boys needed to keep their act fresh. Pfeiffer won multiple acting awards and really cemented herself as a serious player in Hollywood with this role…and she looked good doing it too!

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)

Michelle Pfeiffer

Songs you might remember:
More Than You Know

Why you should vote for her:
Can we play the great acting card here?

Why you should not vote for her:
She was sultry…but average as a singer. Besides, you can vote for her as a package with the Fabulous Baker Boys if you are so inclined.


More in this category: « The Suburbans Swan »

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