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Stella Summers

Stella Summers
We wonder if we are the only ones who forgot that Elliott Gould was a major star in the 1970’s? In 1981, he starred in the “Devil and Max Devlin” where as Devlin he played a shady landlord who is killed and sent to Hell. He is given a proposition that should he convince three people to sell his soul, he would relieved of his soul belonging to the devil. One of his targets is Stella Summers, an aspiring 18 year old singer looking to get ahead, making her an easy target. We did hear her sing, but realistically the stars were Gould and Bill Cosby who played the devil.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Devil and Max Devlin (1981)

Julie Budd

Songs you might remember:
Roses and Rainbows

Why you should vote for her:
This wasn’t a bad singer.

Why you should not vote for her:
Nobody really cared about her in this film.


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