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Loosely based on Wham, Pop was a very successful band in the 1980’s and when the duo broke up, one of them had a very successful solo career which saw him knighted and the other was asked to perform in “Battle of the 80’s Has-Beens” Hugh Grant was great as the Andrew Ridgley character, Alex Fletcher who has seen better days in his career, but has a chance to redeem himself with by writing a song for Cora (a Britney Spears clone) which would allow him to sing at her concert. It would turn out good for Fletcher, as we learn in a Pop Up Video closing the film that he reunited with his more successful partner and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now if they were inducted to that, shouldn’t they be inducted here?

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Music & Lyrics (2007)

Hugh Grant (Alex Fletcher)
Scott Porter (Colin Thompson)

Songs you might remember:
Pop Goes My Heart

Why you should vote for them:
Hey…they are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

Why you should not vote for them:
The bands that inspired them are not in the Rock and Roll Hall.


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