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The Mambo Kings

Mambo Kings The
We were not sure if they had a name for their band, so “The Mambo Kings” is what we are going for on the ballot. From the film of the same name, we have the story of two brothers from Cuba who flee from Havana to the States. There, they eventually pick up where they left off, playing clubs in New York City, like they did in Cuba. Now, as to whether this is a serious contender for the Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, really depends on your opinion of Cuban music and whether you saw this film or not.  


The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
The Mambo Kings (1992)

Armand Assante (Cesar Castillo)
Antonio Banderas (Nestor Castillo)

Songs you might remember:
Beautiful Maria of My Soul

Why you should vote for them:
This actually generated an Oscar nominated song.

Why you should not vote for them:
It was a Rock and Roll life, though not necessarily Rock and Roll


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