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Kaptian Kool and the Kongs

Kaptain Kool and the Kongs
Kaptain Kool and the Kongs was a Rock band created for the Krofft Supershow; a Saturday Morning children’s variety show from the 70’s. They were presented as wacky and goofy (and frankly acted like they had too much sugar or perhaps a different substance) though were mostly just annoying; though most of things produced by the Kroffts had those qualities.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The Krofft Supershow (1976-78)

Michael Lembeck (Kaptain Kool)
Debra Clinger (Superchick)
Michael McMeel (Turkey)
Louise DuArt (Nashville)  
Bert Sommer (Flatbush)

Songs you might remember:
And I Never Dreamed

Why you should vote for them:
They were the focal point of a show that did last two seasons.

Why you should not vote for them:
Voting for anyone named Kaptain Kool…isn’t very cool.


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