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The Grungies

Grungies The
From the short-lived sketch comedy, the Ben Stiller Show, we have a Seattle parody of the Monkees called what else; The Grungies! The bit was a bit dark, but was a bright spot on what only lasted thirteen episodes. Incidentally, the sketch is better known for being the source of an email feud between Judd Apatow and Mark Brazill. You can Google that history yourself.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The Ben Stiller Show (1992-93)

Ben Stiller (Jonsie)
Bob Odenkirk (Stone)
Andy Dick (Dolly)
Jeff Kahn (Tork)

Songs you might remember:
We’re the Grungies!

Why you should vote for them:
We can honestly say that of all the Monkees parodies, this was our favorite.

Why you should not vote for them:
Does any bit from a show that lasted only thirteen episodes deserve to be here?

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