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The Green Onion

Green Onion The
In a very cheesy 1969 film, Richard Dreyfuss is part of a band that lives in a house under water. We think that the band was called the Green Onion, though we aren’t exactly sure. Either way, while submerged in the sea (with Tony Randall naturally) they manage to become successful on land. What that is worth is beyond us.

The Bullet Points:
Movies Appeared:
Hello Down There (1969)

Richard Dreyfuss (Harold Webster)
Lou Wagner (Marvin Webster)
Gary Tigerman (Tommy Miller)
Kay Cole (Lorrie Miller)

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
Does the fact that Richard Dreyfuss is in this count?

Why you should not vote for them:
This was too cheesy…even for us.

More in this category: « The Greefs Greg and Paul »

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