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The Christers

Christers The
Never Been Thawed was an eccentric independent film, but had it not been for this quirky piece of cinema, we would never have been introduced to the “Bad Boys of Christian Rock”, The Christers. Before becoming the Christers, they were the “Reacharounds” a Punk band who pose as a Christian Rock band to score funds to complete their album. Basically, they sell out, as generating money for wholesome music was a lot easier, though we enjoyed the oddball characters that surrounded the film even more than the band.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Never Been Thawed (2004)

Shawn Anderson (Sean Anders)
Al McTavish (Allan Zwolle)
Steve Bogart

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
This was a good movie, a good idea and worth a look.

Why you should not vote for them:
We think we are the only ones who saw this.


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