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2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Final Round

Alice Bowie

Alice Bowie
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Final Round
  • At the end of Cheech & Chong’s first film, the stoned out duo performed and won a “Battle of the Bands” as “Alice Bowie”, a name that was an obvious amalgamation of Alice Cooper and David Bowie; two of the biggest names in music at the time. The song was actually a minor hit years earlier for Cheech and Chong, and actually was a decent way to show Cheech’s musical skills.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: Up in Smoke (1978)
  • Actors: Tommy Chong & Cheech Marin
  • Songs you may remember: Earache My Eye
  • Why you should vote:: Comedians who can actually play music are rare.
  • Why you should not vote:: This was not much of a fictitious band.