Vontae Mack

Although the player who was the focus of the NFL draft in the Kevin Costner film, Draft Day, was the University of Wisconsin Quarterback, it was a Linebacker from Ohio State who would go first overall and be the real (or so we are led to believe) prize in the draft.

Vontae Mack (Chadwick Boseman) lobbied hard to be a Cleveland Brown (really?) and through footage and persistence he convinces Crash Davis, Ray Kinsella, Billy Chapel, the Bodyguard guy Sonny Weaver Jr. (Kevin Costner) to do just that. Hey, this guy moonlit as Jackie Robinson so let’s agree that they saw a real athlete here!  


The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Draft Day (2013)

Chadwick Boseman

Position Played:

Played for:
Ohio State

Why You Should Vote For Him:
This was the guy who went number one in the draft!

Why You Should Not Vote For Him:
How the hell do we know what he did in the pros?


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