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Steve Tevere

In 1984, the United States dominated the Olympic Summer Games in a way that had never done before; though the boycott of the Soviet Bloc certainly helped. This made temporary stars of the American male gymnasts, one of which, Mitch Gaylord, gave us the horrific American Anthem, where he played…wait for it…a gymnast.

The film tanked and once again Hollywood remembered that the U.S. only cares about male gymnastics for two weeks every four years. So much for the film career of Mitch Gaylord, but at least it wasn’t Kurt Thomas’ Gymkata.


The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
American Anthem (1986)

Mitch Gaylord

Why You Should Vote For Him:
This was not Gymkata.

Why You Should Not Vote For Him:
Sorry, but nobody cares about male gymnasts.


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