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Torrance Shipman

So just what does being the lead cheerleader in a (and as far as we know only) successful cheerleading movie get you in regards to our Hall of Fame? Well Torrance Shipman (Kirsten Dunst) was the lead in every way in “Bring it on” and it led to a series of direct to video sequels. It was a money maker, a surprise hit, and became iconic in the world of cheerleading. Basically it comes down to this: if you think cheerleading is a sport, this is a solid contender for out Hall, and if you don’t it won’t be.  

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Bring it on (2000)

Kirsten Dunst

Played for:
The Toros

Why you should vote for her:
She was the unequivocal star of the show, which should mean something.

Why you should not vote for her:
Cheerleading is not exactly a sport.


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