34. The Rembrandts

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I’ll Be There for You
Highest Billboard Position:
#17 in 1995

Most television shows nowadays forego the opening theme song.  Television producers are concerned that the viewing public has such low attention spans and too many other options that they won’t make it past the opening theme song.  Sometimes, the opposite will happen.  A show becomes so hot that everything it touches sells.  It happened with the monster hit, Friends which made six actors household names, sold copious amounts of merchandise, launched a million haircuts and yes made a hit out of a very bad television theme.

It isn’t the first time a successful single was generated from a TV hit.  Twelve years earlier the then “it” show, Miami Vice accomplished the same feat when the instrumental made it to the billboard charts.  However it quickly faded and was barely heard on radio again.  The Rembrandts suffered the same fate but with the insipid power pop drivel it became the first thing from the popular show that people got sick of.  The last season of the popular sitcom saw the opening montage eliminated together.  Friends was a well written show which will have continued staying power for generations to come.  That shitty song will remain in the 1995 time capsule hopefully never to be released again. Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap.

How awful is I'll Be There For You?

I totally agree, I'll Be There For You is god awful! - 0%
I'll Be There For You is bad, but there is much worse. - 0%
I'll Be There For You is actually a guilty pleasure. - 33.3%
No opinion. - 0%
You are nuts, I'll Be There For You is amazing. - 66.7%
Last modified on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 17:36

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