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The Queenhaters

Queenhaters The
Mel’s Rockpile was one of our favorite running sketches on SCTV. Watching the confused and nerdy host, Mel Slirrup try to connect with the kids was a great send up of the many shows from that time frame that featured hosts nearly as clueless. Mel would have a lot of musical guests and with the possible exception of Richard Harris; we were fond of the Punk Band, the Queenhaters who well…hated the Queen. We only saw them once, and we don’t know any of the band member’s names but it certainly struck a chord with us.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
SCTV (1983)

Martin Short (Vocals)
Eugene Levy (Lead Guitar)
John Candy (Drums)
Andrea Martin (Guitar)
Joe Flaherty (Bass)

Songs you might remember:
I Hate the Bloody Queen

Why you should vote for them:
This is one of the best collections of comedic talent assembled.

Why you should not vote for them:
They had one song, appeared only once and we never knew what their names were.


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