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The Partridge Family

Partridge Family The
Come on get happy! The Partridge Family may have been campy and the songs were a little on the cheesy side, but this was a very successful program for four years. Music wise, there was nothing deep about what they recorded, but that was never expected from the bubblegum genre. In that aspect, they represented themselves well as they delivered everything you wanted from that type of act; cute songs, a teen idol up front and harmless lyrics.

The teen idol in question was breakout star was David Cassidy, who embarked on a solid touring career and was more musically capable than he got credit for. The mother (Shirley Jones) could also sing, but borrowing from Reggie Jackson, it was Cassidy who was the star who stirred the drink for the show. Still, the smart-ass banter between Rueben Kinkaid (Dave Madden) and Danny Partridge (Danny Bonaduce) added a lot to show, as did the cuteness of Susan Dey, who played teen daughter, Laurie Partridge.

As unrealistic as it may have seemed for a family to want to go out and form a singing group, this was based on the real life family band, the Cowsills, who were initially asked to be in the show. Somehow, we don’t see anybody else other than the group that was cast in that multi-colored bus. Now Come On, Get Happy!

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The Partridge Family (1970-74)

Shirley Jones (Shirley Partridge, Backup Vocals, Keyboard, Percussion)
David Cassidy (Keith Partridge, Lead Vocals & Lead Guitar)
Susan Dey (Laurie Partridge, Keyboard and Backup Vocals)
Danny Bonaduce (Danny Partridge, Bass)
Jeremy Gelbwaks (Season One) & Brian Forster (Seasons Two-Four) (Chris Partridge, Drums)
Suzanne Crough (Tracy Partridge, Tambourine)
Ricky Segall (Ricky Stevens, Singer)

Songs you might remember:
Come On, Get Happy
I Think I Love You

Why you should vote for them:
Four years of a hit TV Show, and the creation of a major star at the time (Cassidy) counts for a lot. They also had a number one hit (I Think I Love You) and four other top twenty hits.

Why you should not vote for them:
Only Cassidy and Jones had any musical talent. That drummer kid did shit, which was more than the tambourine player. Bonaduce clearly had no idea what to do with the bass guitar. Susan Dey gets a pass, as she was cute.




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