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Garfunkel, Messina, Oates and Lisa

Garfunkel Messina Oates and Lisa
In a 1994 episode of the Simpsons, young Lisa Simpson develops a crisis of confidence when a new kid in school seems to be able to one up her in everything. In a brief dream sequence she imagines herself in concert with other famous second bananas, Art Garfunkel, Jim Messina and John Oates and asking why they came just to boo. Yeah, we know it was brief, but it made us laugh so here it is on the ballot.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The Simpsons (1994)

Yeardley Smith

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
John Oates needs a break.

Why you should not vote for them:
Not only did they not perform, they got booed.

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