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200. The Great Sasuke

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200. The Great Sasuke
Had the Great Sasuke signed with the WWF (and not TAKA Michinoku) in the summer of 1997, how much higher up the rankings would he be? The WWF was planning to build a division around him, but even though his WWF legacy is two matches (both wins over TAKA), he leaves behind an exciting body of work in Japan that made tape traders in the 1990’s drool. That probably isn’t worth that much here though.

Should The Great Sasuke be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 65.4%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 15.4%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 7.7%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 11.5%

The Bullet Points

  • Other Aliases: Masanori Murakawa (Real Name)
    Masa Michinoku
    Ninja Sasuke
  • Billed From: Morioka, Japan
  • Key Championships Held: UWA (Mexico) Welterweight
    FMW Independent Junior Heavyweight
    British Commonwealth Junior Heavyweight (2)
    WWF Light Heavyweight (2)
    IWGP Junior Heavyweight
    WWA (Mexico) Middleweight
    WWA (Mexico) Junior Heavyweight
    UWA (Mexico) Junior Heavyweight
    NWA World Welterweight
    J -Crown
    NWA World Middleweight
    IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team w/Jushin Liger
  • Why they will get in: Talent wise, few on the list can touch him.
  • Why they won't get in: Two matches in the WWF, does not an American legacy make.
  • Five Greatest Matches/Moments: 1.   Awarded a five star match in a finals loss in the Super J Cup against Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) (4/16/94)
    2.   Wrestled Jushin Liger to another five star match (7/8/94)
    3.   Won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title from Liger (4/29/96)
    4.   Became the first ever J-Crown Champion, unifying eight lighter weight championships (8/5/96)
    5.   Beat TAKA Michinoku at the WWF Pay Per View, Canadian Stampede (7/6/97)

Should The Great Sasuke be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put him in! - 65.4%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 15.4%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 7.7%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 11.5%
Last modified on Saturday, 27 April 2024 06:08

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