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2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1

Jimmy McGinty

Jimmy McGinty
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Contributor Round 1
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Replacements (2000)
  • Actor/Actress: Gene Hackman
  • Why you should vote:: We would consider him just for that hat.
  • Why you should not vote:: This is not even Hackman’s best role as a sports coach.
  • Gene Hackman looked like a Head Coach with his Tom Landry like hat, and his TV ready clichés, but he was not given that much to work with as Jimmy McGinty, the Head Coach of the Washington Sentinels. We will say this, he looked and sounded the part which is better than half of the coaches on the silver screen, but when this is not even his best performance as a coach (see Hoosiers) we have to wonder what his chances seriously are.