Taco MacArthur

For many, this Taco MacArthur is the breakout character of “The League”, and how can this perpetually stoned and unemployed man not be? He is marginally a Football fan (as shown by his attempt to draft a player from the Canadian Football League), yet has won the League at least once. He may be a bit of an emotional basketcase, but damned it is entertaining when he shows up. Besides, we are invoking the Mookie Wilson rule here, where you can’t help but like a guy with a goofy first name.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
The League (2009-)

Jon Lajoie

Role Portrayed:
Fantasy Football Team Owner

Why you should vote for him:
His name is “Taco”. Again, the Mookie Wilson rule is in effect.

Why you should not vote for him:
The same for all “League” characters; this is a hit on a relatively small channel, and has not been seen by many.


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