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Wyld Stallyns

Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted “Theodore” Logan

If we are to believe what we saw in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (and why wouldn’t we?) it was the music of Wyld Stallyns that brought peace to all of Earth and excellence.

Musically speaking it might be hard to digest that as in the last scene of the first film we saw them actually play and the results were not very good.  Rufus (George Carlin) assured us that they would get better, and in the sequel (Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey) they did get better thanks to time travel and intense lessons, which allowed them to win the Battle of the Bands and start the domino effect that brought harmony to the World.

How can we not have a band that accomplished this not be enshrined in our Hall of Fame?

The Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are pleased to welcome Wyld Stallyns to the Class of 2017.

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