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William Hung and his Hung Jury

Admittedly, this is only on the ballot due to the guilt we feel for naming William Hung’s version of “She Bangs” as the third worst song in recent music history. We are sure he is a nice guy, so we thought we would pay him back by making him a nominee for his brief role on Arrested Development where he appeared as the intermission band leader for the mock reality show, “Mock Trial with J. Reinhold”. Our small feelings of guilt aside, we don’t think that will do much to help him get inducted here.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Arrested Development (2006)

William Hung
We really don’t know, nor care to research who were in the “Hung Jury”

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for them:
You shouldn’t. Our penance was putting him on the ballot. Honestly, that’s enough.

Why you should not vote for them:
A house band for a courtroom reality show? We don’t have to say anymore do we?


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