The Wild Hots

Everything on this entry is horrible. The name (The Wild Hots), the actor (Alan Thicke), and the show (Growing Pains) were bad, but when Dr. Jason Seaver sings “Old Time Rock and Roll” the images of horrific wedding bands is one we can’t flush out of our memory banks. Plot wise (if you care) the Wild Hots was the old band of Jason’s who is put back together by his loving wife to cheer him up after feeling old. As his band looks like crap, he feels worse and somehow we wind up with Kirk Cameron singing backup. Robin Thicke clearly does not get his musical talent from his father’s side.

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Growing Pains (1986)

Alan Thicke (Jason Seaver)
We could not begin to tell you who was in that band.

Songs you might remember:
Old Time Rock and Roll

Why you should vote for them:
We have to think that only Canadian patriots (Thicke is a proud Canadian) would vote for this.

Why you should not vote for them:
This was beyond bad and proud Canadians WILL NOT vote for this.


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