Circus Monkey

From the rarely viewed 1996 independent film, Bandwagon, we have a band that just wanted to “make it”. We see their trials and tribulations in this decent film, but they are here as the music created for the film (which like the film, was rarely heard) is actually decent. That alone earned them a spot on the ballot.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Bandwagon (1996)

Lee Holmes (Tony Ridge, Guitar & Vocals)
Matthew Hennessey (Charlie Flagg, Drummer)
Kevin Corrigan (Wynn Knapp)
Steve Parlavecchio (Eric Ellwood)

Songs you might remember:
We are actually assuming nobody remembers anything from this film.

Why you should vote for them:
Musically, this was decent.

Why you should not vote for them:
What are the odds that you saw this?


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