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Chuck Clarke & Lyle Rogers

The universally panned Ishtar (though it was not as bad as people thought) gave us the mega star combo of Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty who played Lyle Rogers and Chuck Clarke, two horrific songwriters who hope to be the next Simon and Garfunkel. The first act of the film where they are working on songs (written by Paul Williams) is actually amusing before it derails into a strange place where they are in Morocco and become part of a plot to overthrow the fictional country of Ishtar. The movie may have been awful, but in terms of the music it was entertaining.

The Bullet Points:
Movie Appeared:
Ishtar (1987)

Dustin Hoffman (Chuck Clarke)
Warren Beatty (Lyle Rogers

Songs you might remember:
Dangerous Business
Hot Fudge Love
The Echo Song

Why you should vote for them:
Out of pity?

Why you should not vote for them:
Do Hoffman and Beatty need anyone’s pity?


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