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Adrian Van Voorhies Seven, The

Other then Michael McKean, does it matter who is in the Adrian Van Voorhies Seven?   From the Martin Short show, Primetime Glick, we have the house band featuring Adrian Van Voorhies. Van Voorhies (McKean) was given a fictional backstory as a Dutch classically trained musician who spent time on a cruise ship. As for the rest of the group; does it really matter? Now how do we get a special wing for McKean?

The Bullet Points:
TV Show Appeared:
Primetime Glick (2001)

Michael McKean
…and others of course

Songs you might remember:

Why you should vote for him them:
McKean is a subtle superstar in the Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Why you should not vote for them:
This is not even close to McKean’s best work as a fictional musician; and we assume if you found this page, you already know who we are referring to.


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