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45. Daft Punk

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45. Daft Punk

It are groups like Daft Punk that make us love putting together this website and more specifically the list of those worth considering for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Daft Punk are arguably the most influential House Music act ever, but to just to paint them with that one label is such a misnomer.  Comprised of two Frenchmen (Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter) who are always in robot masks, Daft Punk has put forth a very diverse collection of music that is far more than just danceable tunes.  Inspired by disco, rock, funk and hip hop, Daft Punk has collaborated with some of music’s greatest legends and has been hailed as musical innovators.

This will be very interesting to see what push they receive (if any) from those who decide the Rock Hall’s fate.

The Bullet Points

  • Eligible Since: Wednesday, 01 January 2020
  • Country of Origin: Paris, France
  • Why they will get in: This is proving to be a very influential act who are have more rock origins than most people are aware of.
  • Why they won't get in: Their style of music works against them in terms of what many people think a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is supposed to be.
  • Nominated in: Never
  • Essential Albums:

    Homework (1997)
    Discovery (2001)
    Human After All (2005)
    Random Access Memories (2013)

  • Our Five Favorite Songs as Chosen by Each Member of the NIHOF Committee: Da Funk (From Homework, 1997)
    Around the World (From Homework, 1997)
    One More Time (From Discovery, 2001)
    Robot Rock (From Human After All, 2005)
    Get Lucky (From Random Access Memories, 2013)

Should Daft Punk be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put them in! - 80.8%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 5.8%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 2.5%
No opinion. - 0.8%
No way! - 10%
Last modified on Saturday, 20 May 2023 23:37

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