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546. The Treacherous Three

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Many a music fan has debated whether Rap music should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This is a debate that is not going to go away anytime soon. As such, we expect that much of the comments here will be about Rap’s credentials to the Hall. For those who do not dispute the genre’s Hall resume, the pioneers of Speed Rap may have a claim for induction.

As one of the groundbreaking Rap groups, the influence of the Treacherous Three can’t be ignored. With lyrically complex rhymes in a rapid fire delivery much of the later Hip Hop vocal blueprint was engineered by them. They also were one of the firsts to combine rap with Rock riffs (though this would later be perfected elsewhere). They may not have racked up any major hits of note, but what they did to accelerate the growth of Rap was pivotal. It stands to reason that they have a legitimate shot to be the third Rap inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.





The Bullet Points:


Eligible Since:



Country of Origin:

U.S.A. (New York City)


Nominated In:



Why They Will Get In:

The influence criterion is easily met.


Why They Won’t Get In:

Although they were influential, they are sometimes forgotten.


Essential Albums:

The Treacherous Three, 1984


Our Five Favorite Songs as Chosen by Each Member of the NIHOF Committee:

The Body Rock (Single, 1980)

Feel the Heartbeat (Single, 1981)

Whip It (Single, 1982)

Yes We Can Can (Single, 1982)

Get Up (Single, 1983)

Should The Treacherous Three be in the Hall of Fame?

Definitely put them in! - 27.3%
Maybe, but others deserve it first. - 9.1%
Probably not, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. - 36.4%
No opinion. - 0%
No way! - 27.3%
Last modified on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 05:02

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