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76. Jimmy Ray

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Are You Jimmy Ray?
Highest Billboard Position:
#10 in 1998

Let’s make a (another) rule.  If you are an artist DO NOT use your name in a song.  Just Don’t.  It is impossible not to sound pretentious, and especially if the song is lame, you run the risk of looking like a complete douche.  With that introduction, we present 1998’s douche bag of the year, Jimmy Ray.

In the song’s chorus, a cluster of women ask our titular hero if he is (fill in the blank) Ray, to which our hygiene product constantly retorts “who wants to know?”  When we aren’t treated to the insipid chorus, Jimmy Ray continues to tell us how cool, dangerous, and god knows what else he is.  Really, who can pay attention as listening to the song you quake in fear waiting for one of the lamest choruses in English music history.  Who wants to know who Jimmy Ray is now?  Only the guy looking to give him his unemployment cheque.

How awful is this song?

I totally agree, this song is god awful! - 57.1%
This song is bad, but there is much worse. - 0%
This song is actually a guilty pleasure. - 28.6%
No opinion. - 0%
You are nuts, this song is amazing. - 14.3%
Last modified on Sunday, 08 October 2017 18:27

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