The Toy Hall of Fame announces the 2017 Class

09 Nov
Not in Hall of Fame
The Toy Hall of Fame has announced their Class of 2017, which comprises Clue, the Wiffle Ball and the paper airplane. These three beat out the other finalists of Risk, Magic 8 Ball, Matchbox cars, My Little Pony, PEZ candy dispenser, play food, sand, Transformers and Uno.

The board game of Clue was first adopted in the United Kingdom after World War II. In addition to selling millions of games worldwide the game was adapted into a film.

The Wiffle Ball was created nearly sixty years ago by an American looking to slow down the speed of a regular baseball. Millions of balls each year are manufactured.

The origin of the paper airplane is unclear though it is believed to be dating back to the 15th Century. It is likely to still be built by young minds in the next five hundred years.

The Toy Hall of Fame is part of the Strong Museum in Rochester, New York. The Hall has been in existence since 1998.
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