Motley Crue speaks on the RRHOF

Los Angeles based band, Motley Crue, was asked about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Rolling Stone Magazine, and their comments of course is news to us.  After all, that is what we do here at!

Below are some of the comments from the band regarding the Rock Hall:

From Guitarist, Mick Mars:

“Honestly, I don't think it'll happen.  We were there when the thing was being built; we had to wear hard hats while we were walking around the building site. They were like, 'One of these days, you guys will be in here!' Right. [Laughs] I'd have to say, 80 percent no, 20 percent yeah. But it's like when you're a kid in kindergarten, and you take a nap and get a gold star as a reward. I don't need a few handful of people to say that I got a gold star, because I already got it from my fans. I see the crowds, I see the enthusiasm, I see all that stuff, and that's already satisfying enough for me."

From Drummer, Tommy Lee:

“I do give a shit about it, because it's a time-stamp, it's the acknowledgement of your peers and fans and the music industry, But then again, there's a part of me that goes, 'If we don't, that's fucking cool, too!' In my heart, I know that we came, we saw, we kicked its fucking ass; I don't need a pat on the back, or an induction, or another platinum album or two. Maybe I'm just not good with compliments.”

From Guitarist, Nikki Sixx:

"I'm not one of these cranky guys about it, "But I think if they got it a little bit righter, people would respect it a little bit more. Honestly, there are a lot of bands previous to Mötley Crüe that deserve to be in, if it's actually about influencing other musicians and making an impact on the planet. You know, the bands that have gotten in the last few years, it's cool; but let's go back and look at the people who curated this great music a little bit more. I mean, I'm a huge Mott the Hoople fan; if Mötley Crüe got in before Mott the Hoople, I'd snap! [Laughs] I'd be like, 'I'm sorry, but Ian Hunter, this is for you!'"

From Lead Singer, Vince Neil:

“Look, Kiss just got in, for chrissakes! They should have been in 15 or 20 years ago. We'll probably go in at some point, but we might not all be alive when it happens. Our grandkids will probably have to pick up the awards!"

At present, Motley Crue is currently ranked #78 by on the Rock and Roll list, up from 87, form our original ranking.

As it stands now, we are skeptical that the band will ever make the Hall of Fame, as are the band itself, but the attitude they have towards it makes us want to see them get in. 

Last modified on Sunday, 24 May 2015 18:31

Kirk Buchner, "The Committee Chairman", is the owner and operator of the site.  Kirk can be contacted at . Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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