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2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1

Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers

Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers
  • Contest: 2023 Fictitious Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Round 1
  • A film that crossed multiple genres, Buckaroo Banzai (as it is commonly known) featured a hero who was the ultimate Renaissance man. Of his many skills, “Rock Star” was one, and his multi-talented associates were his backup band. Music was part of the film, but that was not necessarily what was remembered the most in this quirky cult film.
  • TV Show/Movie Appeared: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
  • Actors: Peter Weller (Buckaroo Banzai)
    Clancy Brown (Rawhide)
    Pepe Serna (Reno Nevada)
    Lewis Smith (Perfect Tommy)
    Jeff Goldblum (Dr. Sidney Zweibel)
    Billy Vera (Pinky Carruthers)
  • Songs you may remember: Since I Don’t Have You
  • Why you should vote:: This cult film does have its share of fans.
  • Why you should not vote:: The film was memorable, but is the music amongst the first things you think about?