The Hollies

It was beginning to look like the Hollies were going to perpetually be the most successful British Invasion band that could not crack the Hall, but that changed last year with a well deserved induction.  Still, despite their ample success, they still suffer from a level of disrespect that seems unwarranted.


Hank Ballard

A very early R&B star, Hank Ballard helped shape the early days of Rock and Roll.  Ballard did it all, but he was at his best with his risqué version of R&B which helped to set Rock and Roll’s eventual tone.  Ballard was also important in Doo Wop and Dance craze recordings, and if any artist symbolized 50’s music, it could be argued that it would be Hank Ballard.


The Grateful Dead

Too many they are the greatest “Jam” band that ever lived and there are legions that have followed them across the country that would attest to that.  They were a technically proficient band though this fact was often lost on those who didn’t follow them….of course those who did often “forgot” that they were listening to them in the first place.

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