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How to make basketball shoes more grippy? Full Guide 2024

23 Jan
Not in Hall of Fame

Having good traction in basketball shoes is essential for mobility on the court. It creates friction between the soles and the surface, enabling players to make fast and powerful strides. The greater the traction, the quicker a player can move, providing them with a competitive advantage in a game that requires sudden stops and changes in direction. This article has a ranking of comfortable basketball shoes, and you can find your comfortable and clingy sneakers. The ranking is compiled by the team.

Basketball players often inquire about increasing the grip on their shoes, seeking various solutions. Numerous basketball blogs and websites attempt to provide players with a definitive answer, but unfortunately, they often offer misguided and unreliable advice.

1. Wet the soles of the shoes

The easiest and most convenient method is to use a damp cloth. When you begin to lose grip on the basketball court, it is typically due to the buildup of dust. Adding some moisture can make the rubber soles less rigid. However, the effect of water diminishes rapidly, so you might find yourself in the midst of a game without a wet towel until the next break.

2. Use Sandpaper to add traction

Indeed, there are individuals who propose this practice. The concept behind it is that, similar to the grooves found on car tires, the indentations on the bottoms of basketball shoes are intended to enhance grip. As the basketball shoes wear out, they suggest using sandpaper to reveal new rubber. However, it is advised against sanding your costly basketball shoes!

3. Step on a sticky mat

Sticky Mats are undoubtedly the most widely recognized and favored choice for enhancing grip on basketball shoes. These mats are well-known among basketball teams, coaches, and players. By simply stepping on a sticky surface, one can easily remove dirt from their shoes and proceed to play. However, experienced basketball players would attest that using a sticky mat often results in a worsening feeling in their basketball shoes.

If you step on any type of sticky substance, it will leave a residue on the bottoms of your basketball shoes. As a result, your shoes will gradually lose their grip and you will need to remove a new adhesive sheet after a few times using them. This process continues without an end.

4. Get Creative

If you search online, you will find that many players suggest using hand sanitizer and hair spray on the bottoms of your basketball shoes to enhance traction. However, there is a significant issue with this recommendation. Both of these products contain ethyl or isopropyl alcohol, which can cause rubber, that is, the soles of your basketball shoes, to dry out and degrade.

Sum Up

In conclusion, enhancing the grip of basketball shoes is crucial for players seeking optimal performance on the court. This comprehensive guide for 2024 provides valuable insights into various methods to make basketball shoes more grippy. From selecting the right outsole material and pattern to exploring innovative traction technologies, players can now make informed choices to customize their footwear for improved traction. Additionally, incorporating regular maintenance routines and being mindful of court conditions contribute significantly to sustaining and maximizing grip levels. By following this full guide, players can elevate their game, reduce the risk of injuries, and confidently maneuver on the basketball court with enhanced grip and control. As the game continues to evolve, so does the technology behind basketball shoes, making it an exciting time for players to explore new possibilities and stay ahead of the competition.

Last modified on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 15:56
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