What are the Most Popular Sports in the United States?

12 Feb
Not in Hall of Fame

The United States is a country that houses some of the biggest sports fan bases in the entire world. Americans are huge fans of sports, with over half of all Americans proclaiming to be passionate supporters of at least one sports team. The United States, in the over 200 years of its existence, has produced some of the most popular sports in the world, but what are the most popular sports in the country? 

American football

American football is one of the biggest sports in the country, and the National Football League is, by far, the biggest sports organization, being worth over 15 billion U.S. dollars. While Association football dominates the world of sports globally, in the United States, the undisputed king is American football. The sport is followed by over 40% of Americans, and college football is the most popular college sport, even exceeding the popularity of certain professional sports in the country.

American football is also the biggest betting sport in the United States, with betting shops and online betting sites reporting that their American user base is far more active during football season than any other sport’s season. If you are interested, have a look at the best sportsbooks, before you start out gambling.


Often referred to as “America’s favorite pastime”, baseball is recognized as an American tradition, and one of the first sports created in the United States. It is not nearly as popular as American football and basketball, however, it is still one of the most popular American sports, and the MLB is the second most valuable sports organization in the United States, with an estimated worth of over ten billion dollars. The popularity of baseball, as well as the fact that it is the first sport created in the United States, has earned it the moniker “Godfather of American Sports”.


Behind American football, Basketball is the most popular sport in the United States, and the National Basketball Association (NBA) is the world’s biggest professional basketball league. The NBA is also the third biggest sports organization in the United States, with a value exceeding eight billion dollars. 

The sport is played on the professional and college level all around the country, and is becoming more and more popular with every year. Some of the biggest NBA teams in the States include the Chicago Bulls, the Los Angeles Lakers, etc. 


While not nearly as popular as it is among their northern neighbors, hockey (ice hockey specifically) is still massively popular in the United States, with the National Hockey League being the fourth biggest sports organization in the United States of America. The NHL is comprised of 32 teams, twenty-five of which are American and the remaining seven Canadian. 

The United States is one of the “big six” on the international hockey stage, among Canada, Finland, Russia, the Czech Republic, and Sweden. These so-called “Big Six” are the six countries that dominate the international hockey scene.

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Kirk Buchner, "The Committee Chairman", is the owner and operator of the site.  Kirk can be contacted at kirk.buchner@notinhalloffame.com .

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